I have noticed that when I am under attack by the enemy, I am not fighting on the offensive. Instead, I am living a defensive lifestyle. Bold faith becomes difficult. My life becomes about "protecting myself" instead of advancing the Kingdom of God. What is worse, is when I go on defense, the attacks always seem to increase in frequency and number and power. Now I understand why Jesus didn't answer his critics or defend himself, but simply continued in his ministry. (No, I'm not Jesus, but He lives in me, and His Spirit leads if I'm willing to follow). He was certain about His direction, and refused to "play" defense. He continued in His offensive strike against the Kingdom of Darkness despite the criticisms, being misunderstood, and even when he offended people.
Sometimes I think we invite criticism when we are too sensitive to how people react to us or our ministry. Sensitivity often invites more critiques, which is perceived as weakness. Humility, on the other hand, is much different. Humility is about dependence on God...which this past year God has been teaching me that my life needs much more of. Sensitivity seems to be related to the fear of man, whereas humility is related to the fear of God.
I know I will not please everyone. Heck, I am learning I probably won't please anyone. There is ONE that I must please. That lifestyle, like David's, is one that refuses to live on the defensive, but rather focuses on moving ahead in faith.