Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Treasure Hunting 2011

On Saturday, Jennifer and I went with a group of Christians from a number of churches to do a treasure hunt in Painesville and to minister to the homeless. I have to admit, Zack Barton, the young man who organized this, has an burning passion to minister to the people of our world. He regularly schedules these in Cleveland, in the middle of winter!

I had a special treasure, an elderly man sitting outside a book sale in the Library. He was sitting on a bench and I had just come out of the restroom, and figured Jennifer must be in the restroom as well. So I sat next to this man and struck up a conversation. It is so easy to talk to someone by simply being friendly. Before long, I noticed his hand was black, so I asked him if he was on blood thinners. He replied yes. Just then, Jennifer emerged from the restroom with an elderly woman smiling from ear to ear. She pronounced, "I found my treasure!" And she explained how they met in the restroom and she was about to have cataract surgery and needed prayer. This woman was the wife of the man I was sitting next to! They both agreed this was no "coincidence." So we also prayed for him and his leg (which had vein surgery a year ago) that he would be able to be healed sufficiently to get off of the Coumadin. They were all smiles.

My only regret was not asking them more about their journey with God. Each experience is a valuable lesson!

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