Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Claiming what God has promised

This week we called our church to a week of fasting and prayer to seek God for supernatural provision for our church finances.  On Sunday, as I shared the call to this, I explained that a family whose regular gifts which made up about 30% of our church budget had moved onto another church in May of this year, and that we were running short of funds to meet our obligations.  So as an act of faith and dependence upon God, we would seek God's the kings of Judah when faced with a crisis, and ask Him to provide according to His promises.  The next day I got a message from one of our members who was touched by our choice to seek God instead of trying to manipulate our members into just "giving more."

Now I have a disclaimer in this wasn't my idea to call for a fast.  It was my godly wife, Jennifer who heard God and had the courage to suggest it by faith.  So as this week unfolds, and God speaks, reveals and provides, I can only say "wow was all you!"

Today, as I met with one of my elders, I shared how in the Lord's prayer we were instructed to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread."  I was struck by the way Jesus told us to pray.  Not beg.  Not ask.  Not beseech.  Not grovel.  Not Plead.  He told to to say, "Give us..."  It isn't even a request.  "Give us" is a statement, similar to a declaration, almost a demand, like a withdrawal, like a hand out to receive what is already offered, already promised to us.  So when we come to Daddy, we come with the boldness that a child comes to their Father who has the resources he needs, and knows he will receive what he needs.

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